Central Venous Access
Resources to Review Prior to Conference

Goals and Objectives
Trainees will demonstrate competence in performing central venous catheterization
For the procedure of central venous catheterization, trainees will be able to:
Describe indications and contraindications
Describe potential complications
Name, identify, and describe equipment required
List, describe, and demonstrate the steps involved
Properly perform each step of the procedure from memory

Additional Resources
Central Line Technique (Brown EM 2016)
Central Line Micro Skills Video (EMCrit 2015)
Central Line Sterile Set-up Video (EMCrit 2015)
Anatomic Sites
Intravascular Complications by Insertion Site (NEJM 2015)
Internal Jugular
IJ Sheath Introducer Insertion (Live) (Mt Sinai 2010)
IJ Triple Lumen Insertion (Sim) (PainH8er 2012)
Infraclavicular Approach (Sim) (EMCrit 2010)
Femoral Venous Line (Live) (Mellick 2013)
Femoral Venous Line (Live + Animation) (NEJM 2008)
Catheter Types
Types of Central Venous Catheters (PainH8er 2013)
Triple Lumen Catheters
IJ Triple Lumen Insertion (Sim) (PainH8er 2012)
Sheath Introducers (e.g. “Cordis”)
IJ Sheath Introducer Insertion (Live) (Mt Sinai 2010)