GI Bleeding
Resources to Review Prior to Conference

Goals and Objectives
Trainee will demonstrate competence in the initial evaluation and management of patients with GI bleeding
For patients with GI bleeding, trainee will be able to:
List common etiologies of both upper and lower GI bleeding
Define and recognize:
Coffee-ground emesis
List and discuss the indications, risks, and benefits of acute diagnostic interventions
List and discuss the indications, risks, and benefits of medical interventions
Blood products
Anticoagulant reversal agents
Somatostatin analogs
Discuss the indications for admission, urgent vs emergent GI consultation, and surgical consultation
Explain the concept of massive transfusion protocols and indications for use

Additional Resources
General Approach/Review
Approach to GI Bleeding (CDEM 2019)
GI Bleeding (IBCC 2018)
Upper GI Bleeding
Acute Upper GI Bleeding (BMJ 2019)
Upper GI Bleeding in the ED (EB Medicine 2015)
Clinical Decision Tools
Glasgow-Blatchford Bleeding Score (MDCalc)​
AIM65 Score (MDCalc)
Lower GI Bleeding
Acute Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding (NEJM 2017)
Acute Lower GI Bleeding: ACG Clinical Guideline (AM J Gastro 2016) (pdf)
Reversal of Anticoagulation
Management of Bleeding in Patients Taking Oral Anticoagulants (JAMA 2018)
Decision Pathway: Bleeding in Patients on Oral Anticoagulants (ACC Expert Consensus 2017) (pdf)
Airway Management
Intubating the Critical GI Bleeder (EMCrit 2009)
Esophageal Balloon Devices
Types of Esophageal Balloons (EM:RAP 2016)
Blakemore Placement (EM:RAP 2016)
Gastric Lavage
NG Lavage: Indicated or Outdated? (ALIEM 2013)